Sunday, December 14, 2014


It will help you get to know other people who will help in the future. Get involved with clubs and events in college. When you do that, you will meet new people and they might help you. Talk to your teachers because they will write a letter of recommendation for scholarship if they know you more, it will be really helpful. Teachers or staffs will help you get a internship or a job in your field so you will get more experience in your field.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Rose water

  • natural anti-inflammatory properties 
  • reduces redness from irritated or overheated skin
  • great cleanser and aids in removing oil and dirt
  • powerful mood enhancer 
  • promotes emotional well-being
  • an amazing astrigent and facial toner 

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Bitter melons

Did you know that bitter melons helps you become skinny and reduce acne. My mom and cousin told me this. :)   I'm trying to eat bitter melon but its too bitter... >______<   For people who do not know what bitter melon is ... this is a picture    The more bitter it is the better.
Bitter melon is good for your body but it can also be bad too. As I research more about it, the seeds in the bitter melon is poisonous so when you are cooking it, remember to take out the seeds! Don't eat too much bitter melons!!!And bitter melons is bad for pregnant women because it has monorcharins substancethat might cause affect on the gravid uterus

More information go to: 

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Study Tips

During high school and first semester of college, I learned the hard way. I usually study a day before a test, it doesn't work well for me. I would get good grade on a test but after taking it, I tend to forget everything I learned. In college, I learned many study tips that helped me. As a freshman in college, I get A LOT of online homework, projects, and lab reports to do almost every week. This is why I need to manage my time according to get everything done on time.

  • study for an hour and then take a break 
  • get good night sleep 
  • DO NOT CRAM EVERYTHING because you won't learn anything 
  • manage your time wisely because time is precious and you can't get it back 
  • relax (breathe) 
  • as a college student, a good tip is to write in your textbook because textbooks are so expensive and to get out the most of it is to use the textbooks so you won't have to waste your money.
  • know your learning style 
I want to eat a cupcake now
The importance of flavonoids
 "Flavonoids are found in food in things like teas and dark-colored berries. They're similar to vitamins and are important in maintaining health. Studies have suggested an association between diets high in flavonoids and a reduced risk of cancer and heart disease. They're what gives a lot of foods we have color. They're particularly effective at helping the body get rid of toxins that affect us." - Dr.Oz

Milk Mask

Milk is a natural skin whitener
  •  2 tbsp oatmeal
  • 2 tbsp brown suger
  • 1/4 cup of milk
 mix well to form a paste then gently scrub your face, rinse then moisturize. This will help to brighten your skin